Selected Growth Projects and Credentials

Labour Market Data Analytics company
US Headquartered, VC-backed

Global Sales Leader, tasked to drive Growth Strategy into Europe

Human Capital Management Consulting
US Headquartered

Tasked to establish Education Practise in EMEA.

Leading Global InfoTech and Data Provider
US Headquartered

Drove Africa Growth Plan for on of the companies business units. Fractional Sales Leader across Sub-Saharan Africa.





Leading Legal Data Analytics Firm
US Headquartered

Appointed to support the launch of a German Legal Plattform.

Global HR - Employer of Choice
Leading global home appliances company
Germany headquartered

Conducted global culture and engagement Project

Global Growth Initiative into Emerging Market
Leading InfoTech and Data Provider
US Headquartered

Supported business localisation (enterprise model) into Middle East/Africa/Russia