Growth Enablement

Build your sales function and performance culture

“Sales is the art of understanding other people.”

At the Sproutling we help startup’s transition from a founder-led sales towards establishing a dedicated sales team and performance culture.

Here is how

  • Fractional Chief Revenue/Sales Officer

    As Chief Sales Officer (CSO), I play a pivotal role in helping clients assemble and lead their in-market team for a set period, typically lasting 6-12 months with a weekly time commitment. My work is intricately woven with the founding team, ensuring a seamless fit in terms of culture and strategy. I function as a temporary member of the executive team, propelling the business towards a state of readiness for growth.

  • Sales Coaching and Mentoring

    I act as mentor and coach for the sales team and help to build sales capabilities and performance metrics within the business. I enabling less experienced members of the sales team to take on a role as team lead or prepare for managerial trajectory or coach field sales on sales effectiveness.







Engagement-Focused * Strengths-Based * Purpose-Driven *

My approach to performance is shaped by cultivating individual talents, managing different working styles, and fostering the aspirational goals of each contributor.

Understanding what motivates and engages people is key to a successful sales team.

I specialize in working with leaders to integrate organizational purpose and business strategy and provide expert counsel on communication initiatives.

By turning my clients’ employees, especially client-facing teams, into brand ambassadors, I aim to fuel sustained performance and exponential growth.

High-Performance is human-centered.

Employee experience directly impacts employee productivity and customer service, making it an essential component of sales enablement.

Based on Gallup’s research: Engaged employees are 17% more productive than their disengaged counterparts and a 5% increase in employee engagement can result in a 3% increase in customer satisfaction.

Why The Sproutling?

Many founding teams are highly innovative but often lack a strong sales or commercial background.

To take their venture to the next level, they often choose between hiring a senior salesperson, such as a Chief Sales Officer (CSO), sometimes even as a late co-founder, or alternatively they are looking for a less experienced team member who is willing to take on sales responsibilities in exchange for a lofty job title.

Both options have their own risks that should not be underestimated.

Option A

Adding a senior salesperson means significant headcount costs for an early-stage company. Considering the sales cycle for a still unknown brand; it may take until year 2 or 3 to see a return on this investment.

Option B

On the other hand, option B may not impact the budget as hard, but giving tremendous responsibility for the business's success to a less experienced hire is a recipe for failure and burnout due to overstretching.

“Hiring a Fractional CSO/CRO provides access to experienced sales leadership without the associated full-time costs.
This model allows our clients to leverage high-level expertise - on a part-time or contractual basis - making it a cost-effective solution.